To schedule an appointment, call (702) 731-4088 or (702) 848-8708
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Hip Replacement Frequently Asked Questions

What is arthritis and why does my hip hurt?
What is a total hip replacement?
What are the results of total hip replacement?
When should I have this type of surgery?
Am I too old for this surgery?
How long will my new hip last and can a second replacement be done?
Why might I require a revision?
What are the major risks?
Should I exercise before the surgery?
Will I need blood?
How long am I incapacitated?
How long will I be in the hospital?
What if I live alone?
How do I make arrangements for surgery?
How long does the surgery take?
Do I need to be put to sleep for this surgery?
Will the surgery be painful?
Who will be performing the surgery?
How long and where will my scar be?
Will I need a private nurse?
Will I need a walker, crutches or cane?
Will I need any equipment?
Where will I go after discharge from the hospital?
Will I need help at home?
Will I need physical therapy when I go home?
What are the consequences of not following through with the recommended Physical Therapy program?
How long until I can drive and get back to normal?
When will I be able to get back to work?
How often will I need to be seen by my doctor following the surgery?
Do you recommend any restrictions following this surgery?
What physical and/or recreational activities may I participate in after my surgery?
Will I notice anything different about my hip?